Hiking in Heels has helped thousands of girls get bids!! As seen in WSJ, FOX, CNBC, NBC, The Economist, New York Post, Fortune, etc - we are the premiere sorority rush coaching program for incoming freshmen and sophomore PNMs (potential new members) nationwide, and the first and only rush coaching program of its kind. Founded by a recent UT graduate on the sorority recruitment team, Hiking in Heels works with PNMs participating in recruitment at over 70+ universities nationally. Much like ACT prep - the program works! We have a proven track record of successful, happy PNMs from a very, very long list of schools.
Every year, thousands of hopeful, excited rushees will end their sorority recruitment experience without a bid, or drop due to limited options. At some schools, 15-20% of PNMs will go home empty-handed. To us - that is NOT ok! We believe that anyone who's excited to join a sorority should have that opportunity, and that's how Hiking in Heels came to be. We're especially popular at the University of Texas (UT), Ole Miss, University of Alabama, Texas Tech, Southern Methodist University (SMU), Baylor, University of Georgia (UGA), Clemson, University of Oklahoma (OU), Oklahoma State University (OSU), Mississippi State, University of Southern California (USC), University of Virginia (UVA), Louisiana State University (LSU), University of Miami, University of Arkansas, and Texas A&M - to name just a few. References are available upon request.
Know how many you really need? Or what type? We do. And most importantly, we’re going to give you tips on how to get them, including what else to put in your rush packet.
“My daughter went through Texas rush last year, and although she’s a legacy, so much has changed since I went through rush. It’s so incredibly competitive, and I wanted to make sure she got into a great house. This program is an absolute must if your daughter is going through rush!! Worth every penny.”
Sorority Mother, Houston, Texas
“Coming in from out of state, I had no idea what to expect. I didn’t know anyone who had gone through Texas rush before, and I wasn’t even sure what a rec letter was. Would highly recommend.”
Sorority Girl, from San Francisco, California
“I wasn’t sure if a joining a sorority was right for me, but after my coaching session, I was felt so excited and so prepared that I went for it! I’m loving Greek life now, loving my sisters, and loving UT! If you’re hesitating – just go for it!!”
Sorority Girl, from Austin, Tx
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