Baylor – Sorority Recruitment

sorority recruitment, spring sorority recruitment, fall sorority recruitment

Photo cred: Mary Barnett Photography – Texas Senior Photographer

Congratulations to all the new Baylor Bears!! Are you planning to participate in sorority recruitment, aka rush, at Baylor University this spring?

We’re so excited for you!! Firstly, congrats on getting into Baylor. You’re going to look great in green and gold.

Now that you’re all set on your school, let’s talk about the next steps as you prepare to head off to Waco this fall: getting ready for sorority recruitment.

Baylor has a strong Greek system with nine amazing sororities that are super excited to welcome their new members and sisters. Here, formal recruitment takes place in the spring in the on-campus chapter meeting rooms, since the chapters don’t have traditional sorority houses, per Baylor’s rules. It’s a week-long process in January with four rounds. When you participate in recruitment you’re required to “rush” every house vs. selecting just a few chapters to get to know. Below is a list of the chapters at Baylor.

Baylor Sorority Chapters

  1. Alpha Delta Pi
  2. Alpha Chi Omega
  3. Alpha Phi
  4. Chi Omega
  5. Delta Delta Delta
  6. Kappa Alpha Theta
  7. Kappa Kappa Gamma
  8. Pi Beta Phi
  9. Zeta

***Baylor Sorority Recruitment Schedule for 2026 TBD***

(2026 sorority recruitment schedule is yet to be announced)
Below is the schedule from this most recent recruitment:

Monday, January 9th – PNM Orientation
What to expect: Think of this as sorority recruitment orientation. Potential New Members (PNMs) will receive an overview of the week to come.

Tuesday, January 10th – Open House

What to expect: PNMs visit with girls from each of the 9 sorority chapters. It’s mandatory for PNMs to meet each chapter and “rush” all the sororities.

Wednesday, January 11th – Philanthropy

What to expect: PNMs are invited to return to a max of 7 chapters and could have fewer.

Thursday, January 12th – Sisterhood Day

What to expect: PNMs are invited to return to a max of 5 chapters and could have fewer.

Friday, January 13th – Preference Day

What to expect: PNMs can be invited to return to a max of 2 chapters but may have 1 invite or none at this time (none meaning that the PNM is released from the process without a bid).

Saturday, January 14th – BID DAY!
What to expect: PNMs will receive a max of 1 invitation to membership – aka a bid – from a chapter. Immediately after, new members “run home” to their new sororities, and Bid Day celebrations begin!!

*Important to know: Not all PNMs will receive bids, depending – if for some reason a PNM does not receive one, they will be notified of their release from the process prior to the Bid Reveal event.

So – how does a PNM maximize her chances of getting MORE invitations and therefore, boost your chances of getting a bid to a chapter you LOVE and are EXCITED about?

Sorority recruitment does NOT begin in January during formal recruitment.

A unique thing about Baylor’s sorority recruitment is that it’s common for chapter members to ask PNMs on “rush dates” during the fall. These begin on syllabus week – the first week of classes. Think of invites like coffee, breakfast, lunch, dinner parties, etc. They (the sororities) encourage their members to do this) because the sorority girls aren’t allowed to vote on you during recruitment unless they’ve met you. This is super important!! GO on as many of these as you’re invited on. Having the cutest outfits during rush is FUN but it will not help you if you have not met enough girls who are eligible to vote for you come January.

The more rush dates a PNM goes on, the more sorority girls she meets. The more sorority girls she meets, the better position she’ll be in during formal recruitment.

Don’t yet know any sorority girls yet? That’s perfectly ok!

Let’s talk about how to maximize your chances of getting on the recruitment team’s radar and getting those dates.

At Baylor, yes – Letters of Recommendation are a MUST.

But if the chapters don’t know you, they can’t get excited about you and ask you out on rush dates. It’s like expecting a cute guy from one of your 100+ person college classes who doesn’t know you yet to ask you out. You could be the cutest, sweetest, most interesting girl in the class, but if you haven’t introduced yourself, a date’s pretty unlikely, right?

Same for recruitment. Cute outfits & great conversations alone will not guarantee you a bid.

Click here for our Sorority Recruitment Guide with a step-by-step Checklist & Action Plan!

Do not underestimate the deadlines!
There are LOTS of you and 3-4 members on each chapter’s recruitment team. Rush is a math & numbers game.

Other Baylor Rush Requirements & Recommendations:

Plan to participate in sorority recruitment at Baylor this spring? Don’t risk slipping through the cracks!

Work with a sorority recruitment coach right here in Texas that specializes in Baylor recruitment and celebrates as tons of our PNMs happily receive their bids every year!! We’ve been nationally recognized in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Fortune, Elite Daily, and NBC.

A lot of the big decisions with rushees involve paperwork and are made months before recruitment.

We know exactly what the Director of Recruitment Records is looking for on your resume, how the sororities will rank your rec letters on a scale (and how you can get a higher ranking), how best to prepare your rush packets, how the bid list ordering and cut process works, and what you should actually be discussing during each round. (Hint – it’s not what the Panhellenic guides will tell you!)

Working with a rush coach maximizes a PNM’s odds and gives your daughter an advantage long before she steps foot on campus for recruitment so she can go in more relaxed and confident.

It’s just like the SAT – it’s better to go in prepared. Let’s get you (or your daughter) recruitment ready.

To apply for the Hiking in Heels program, which has been nationally recognized in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Fortune, Elite Daily, and NBC, call us at (512) 827-7586 or complete the form below:

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