Categories ArchivesSorority Rush Tips

Sorority Rush Coaching: FAQ image

Well, I’m so glad you asked! I’d like to take a few minutes to address Hiking in Heels sorority rush coaching program’s most frequently asked questions below. “Why should I hire a sorority rush coach?” You wouldn’t take the SAT without preparing in advance, would you? Of course not! So why settle for less during sorority recruitment? When your daughter prepared for college, she might have worked with an SAT prep-course or tutor of some kind. Much like these classes prepared your daughter for success on the SAT, Hiking in Heels Sorority Rush Coaching prepares young ladies for sorority recruitment and maximizes their options, giving them the best chance for a successful recruitment at the college of their choosing. Simply ...

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Sorority Rush / Sorority Recruitment Vocabulary image

If you plan to participate in sorority recruitment at the University of Texas, moms and daughters alike will want to familiarize themselves with this list of “sorority rush” vocabulary. Below, I’ve listed some of the terms, and how they specifically relate to rush at the University of Texas. I threw some rush tips in there too. Active: An active is an initiated member of a sorority who has already gone through sorority recruitment. Badge: A sign of sorority or fraternity membership. Only initiated members are allowed to wear the badge or “pin” and each sorority has their own unique design. They are typically only worn at specific, special events, including monthly formal meetings. Bid: A formal invitation to join a ...

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10 Reasons You Should Join a Sorority image

You’re coming to the University of Texas. Congratulations! Now that you’ve finished celebrating receiving that acceptance letter, you may be wondering what’s next. Specifically, you might be considering whether or not to participate in sorority recruitment, informally and unofficially called “sorority rush.” Being a part of UT Greek life was amazing, and although I’ll admit I’m a bit biased, I’ll give you 10 reasons to join a sorority below. And moms – if your daughters are about to go through UT sorority recruitment, this will hopefully put your mind at ease. 1) Leadership.  Joining a sorority gives you an opportunity to gain confidence and experience through participation in numerous committees and officer positions. As an officer, you learn relevant, applicable ...

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