Welcome, and huge congratulations on your decision to go Greek!!
Whether you’ve dreamed of being in a sorority since fourth grade, or you’re just doing some research to see if it’s right for you, we are SO excited you’re here
We have helped THOUSANDS of girls go Greek, and we’re so excited to share more about the recruitment process with you!!
As you research your way through RushTok or parent Facebook pages, you’ll hear the term “sorority recruitment consultant” or “sorority rush coach.”
What is a recruitment consultant?
What do they help with?
Should I hire one? Why?
Can they help my daughter?
If you want to get better at tennis, you hire a tennis coach.
If you’d like to improve your score on the SAT, you enroll in a prep course.
And if you’d like to give yourself an edge during sorority recruitment, you work with a sorority recruitment consultant.
Using a sorority recruitment consultant (you can also call us sorority rush coaches!) provides incoming potential new members with valuable guidance throughout the recruitment process, especially if you’re navigating competitive sorority environments or feel unsure about how to stand out amongst hundreds if not thousands of other equally qualified girls.
Here’s seven reasons why you should consider going with a sorority consultant:
1. Personalized Guidance and Strategy
The best sorority recruitment consultants have extensive experience with Greek life and can offer personalized advice based on your strengths, personality, and goals. They can help you strategically approach recruitment, from crafting your personal narrative to preparing for key conversations with chapter members. Rush consultants are familiar with what individual chapters look for and can guide you on how to present yourself in a way that aligns with those values.
—-> For example, if you’re creating a community service section on your social resume, it might make more sense to highlight volunteer experience at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital over other volunteer experience if your school has a Tri Delta Chapter, since it’s their sorority’s philanthropy.
2. Comprehensive Sorority Recruitment Preparation
Recruitment is something new and exciting you’re navigating for the first time. This newness means it can be a daunting process, and consultants can help you feel more confident by preparing you for every step. The Hiking in Heels program offers:
- School-specific advice on timing, deadlines, and rules
- Social Resume Preparation (content audit and design)
- Cover Letters (pre-loaded with instructions for your alumnae + customized info for your school, its sorority chapters, and due dates)
- Recommendation Guidance
- Letter of Support Guidance
- Panhellenic Registration Form Assistance
- Registration Materials & Assignments (due alongside the registration form)
- PNM Video Scripting & Prep
- Short Answer Questions / Essay Prep
- PNM Personality Slides
- Formal Recruitment – Day by Day Overview
- Outfit Consultations
- Overview of the Mutual Selection Process + Cuts, and Rankings
- Strategies for the Week-of
- Interview Prep
- Confidence & Mindset Coaching
- *On-call Coaching & Daily Strategy Sessions during Formal Recruitment
This preparation ensures you get on the recruitment team’s radar early and present yourself in the best possible light, helping to ease nerves and boost your confidence as you go through the rounds.
But it’s not just about feeling confident, it’s about actually being prepared.
Most importantly, taking the time to thoroughly prepare (in advance) gives you a higher likelihood of receiving more invites and having an overall more successful recruitment experience!!
Why blindly “trust the process” when you could be actively preparing for it?
3. Help with Recommendations and Letters of Support
University Panhellenic Associations (the group that hosts recruitment at your school) typically will state that Recommendations (also called LORs, Rec, or RIF forms) are not required, and then provide the national deadlines for these “optional” submissions. These national deadlines may or may not be applicable for your specific school or its sorority chapters, as many sororities begin reviewing these as early as March-May prior to fall recruitments. If it’s a larger school with a competitive recruitment process, it’s usually in your best interest to submit any “optional” items well before the listed deadlines.
Getting the right Letters of Recommendation (LORs) can be crucial in some schools, especially at more competitive campuses. Consultants can assist in navigating the process – specifically – determining the necessity of these and applicable deadlines, guiding you on how and where to find strong recommendations, and helping you stand out among hundreds or thousands of PNMs.
4. Expert Insights into the Recruitment Process at YOUR Specific School
Let’s be real, RushTok is fun to watch!! But some advice is better than others. It’s free for a reason…
Rush consultants are well-versed in recruitment trends and can offer insider knowledge about the process. For example, we can advise you on understanding the mutual selection process, different rounds, what to expect at each stage, and how to maximize your chances of receiving a bid from your preferred chapters. Recruitment is a well-rehearsed activity, and the sororities are trained to ask the PNMs specific questions during certain rounds. Know before you go!
5. Emotional Support and Encouragement
Recruitment is a week-long (sometimes longer) process that takes place in the August heat. It sometimes runs from 6 am (when schedules come out) to 11 pm due to end-of-night preference submissions. Even if you just had the best day meeting tons of sweet and wonderful chapter members, it’s normal to be exhausted, sweaty, and nervous.
Recruitment can be an emotional rollercoaster, with ups and downs along the way for BOTH moms and daughters. Consultants provide steady support, offering personalized guidance if things do or don’t go as planned. They help you navigate the emotions tied to recruitment, whether it’s dealing with being cut from one of the chapters you loved or deciding between multiple amazing chapters.
6. Maximizing Opportunities
Sorority consultants can help you maximize your opportunities by teaching you how to build connections with sorority members during pre-recruitment events, rush dates, or philanthropy events.
These connections are key to receiving invitations to return to chapters throughout the recruitment process, especially since the chapter members are only allowed to vote on PNMs they’ve personally met.
As a sorority rush coach, I make sure our girls are aware of both official and unofficial sorority recruitment events taking place during their senior year of high school, how to network ahead of time, and do’s and don’ts to be aware of.
7. Competitive Advantage
We want to see you have a truly AMAZING sorority recruitment!! We LOVE seeing your happy bid day pics and hearing happy screams of excitement through the phone on bid day!!
At schools where hundreds or thousands of PNMs are competing for a bid, working with a sorority consultant can give you a competitive edge over your peers. Working with a coach can significantly improve your chances of a successful recruitment experience, particularly if you’re seeking personalized advice, emotional support, and a clear strategy for maximizing your chances in a highly competitive environment!!
Plan to rush this fall or spring? Don’t slip through the cracks!
Hiking in Heels has helped THOUSANDS of girls go Greek, and we have been nationally recognized in WSJ, CNBC, FOX, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bloomberg, The Economist, NBC, and many others.
We know exactly what the Director of Recruitment Records is looking for on your resume, how the sororities will grade your social resume and PNM video (and how you can get a higher ranking), and how to best prepare for recruitment week interviews!
Working with a rush coach maximizes a PNM’s odds and gives your daughter an advantage long before she steps foot on campus for recruitment so she can go in more relaxed and confident.
It’s just like the SAT – it’s better to go in prepared. Let’s get you (or your daughter) recruitment ready!
To reserve your spot with a sorority recruitment consultant, call us at (512) 827-7586 or complete the form below: